吴江市华联净化彩板有(yǒu)限公(gōng)司 , 具(jù)有(yǒu)承接大 、中(zhōng)型洁净手术室 、 空调工(gōng)程设计、施工(gōng)任務(wù)的综合实力 。

公(gōng)司已有(yǒu)十多(duō)年的历史 , 对承揽不同工(gōng)艺 , 不同洁净级别的電(diàn)子信息产(chǎn)业 、 制药工(gōng)业 、 生物(wù)工(gōng)程 、 医(yī)疗卫生事业 、 无茴手术室 、 动物(wù)手术室 、 化工(gōng)行业 、 食品行业等领域的洁净工(gōng)程,都能(néng)严格按照G M P规范及行业标准,提供好的服務(wù) 。

多(duō)年来 , 始终把发展高科(kē)技(jì )产(chǎn)业放在首位 , 以科(kē)技(jì )為(wèi)先导 , 市场為(wèi)导向的科(kē)技(jì )兴厂之路 , 不断引进國(guó)外先进技(jì )术 , 开发工(gōng)业自控新(xīn)领域 , 為(wèi)洁净工(gōng)程配套生产(chǎn)各类净化产(chǎn)品 , 彩钢夹芯板 , 业绩遍及全國(guó)各地 。

公(gōng)司以质(zhì)量与信誉為(wèi)本 , 客户的需求是我们的目标 。


Wujiang Hualian Purification Color Steel Plate Co.,Ltd has the comprehensive capability of designing and constructing of large and middle-sized operation room and air-conditioning engineering.

With a history of over ten years, the company can provide the best services for electronic information industry of different technologies and purification levels, pharmaceutical industry, biological engineering, medical treatment and sanitation industry, sterile operation room, animal operation room, chemical industry, food industry and purification engineering in other fields strictly in accordance with GMP standard and industry standards.

In the past years, the companyalways places developing high science& technology industry at the first position, adheres to the science-led and market-oriented way, introduces overseas advanced technology, develops new automatic-control fields for industry and manufactures varieties of purifying products and color steel laminated plates for purification engineering with achievements around China.

The company sticks to the principle of quality and credit centered and customers' demands arc our goals.